Photo of J. Martin Rojas H. Mexico

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SHORT CV MARTIN HERNANDEZ Joaquin Rojas was born in 1949 .- la Ciudad de San Martín Texmelucan, Puebla. Mexico. Their Fathers: Otilio Galan Rojas (Poblana), and Pascual Hernández Díaz (Tlaxcaltecs). 1965 .- 1967 .- 1969 .- Exhibition staff at the Regional Fair St. Martin Texmelucan, Puebla. Mexico. 1970 .- Participate in the National Painter Confrontation "70 People" en la Ciudad de Puebla, Pue. Mexico. 1971 .- It is...

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SHORT CV MARTIN HERNANDEZ Joaquin Rojas was born in 1949 .- la Ciudad de San Martín Texmelucan, Puebla. Mexico. Their Fathers: Otilio Galan Rojas (Poblana), and Pascual Hernández Díaz (Tlaxcaltecs). 1965 .- 1967 .- 1969 .- Exhibition staff at the Regional Fair St. Martin Texmelucan, Puebla. Mexico. 1970 .- Participate in the National Painter Confrontation "70 People" en la Ciudad de Puebla, Pue. Mexico. 1971 .- It is now part of Tlaxcaltecs Society of Arts, and participated in several specimens it legal state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. 1972 .- Participate in the National Exhibition of Fine Arts "Lamb of Juarez Guadalajara, Jalisco. "Three Painters Tlaxcaltecs", "Homenaje a Juárez", "Blanco y Negro", etc.. in Tlaxcala, Mexico. Participates in 1975 .- Muestras the National Art "IMECAFE" in the states of Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, Queretaro and Hidalgo. Muestra de Arte Sacra de Ntra Seminar on him. Lady of Ocotlán, en el state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. 1976 .- Exhibition "Contrasts", personal, en la Casa de la Cultura de Tlaxcala, several conferences in Mexico. 1978 .- "VACATION DEL HOGAR" personal, it Palacio de los Sports of Mexico City, DF Mexico. 1979 .- He Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes and he Government of the State of Tlaxcala has before him the Government of Countries Bajo, to make art studies in Holland. 1981 .- "ambivalence" muestra people in the Tourism Secretary of Tlaxcala, Mexico. Goes to Europe and performs her art studies at the Accademia di Belle Arti "Pietro Vannucci" and the Université Italiana per Stranieri in Perugia, participates in wool Week Latin American Art in Perugia and it Internazionale di Pittura ad Award Acquarello by Fondazione Sinaide Ghi, Rome, Italy. 1984 .- Founding member of Art Group "T", the state of Tlaxcala, siendo group's president, perform "From Culture Week" in partnership with United Artists in Puebla, AC, becomes part of the active SOMART, Mexican Society Plastic Arts, Mexico. 1985 .- Participates in the First National Meeting of Artists, "in la Ciudad de Pachuca, Hidalgo. With the exhibition "Las cultural policy in the States," Mexico. 1986 Participates in it .- "Primer Symposium on Copyright Derechos", en el Palacio de las Bellas Artes, organized by la SOMART, en la Ciudad de Mexico. Mexico in the "II Biennial of Art On Paper" in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the "Second Biennial Homenaje a Diego Rivera in Guanajuato, GTO. Mexico. 1987 .- Performs he Mural "MI HOMENAJE AL Mexican muralist" fracmento mural "Short space between himself Arte y El Tiempo, El Colegio de Bachilleres (Hoy Palace of Culture) in la Ciudad de Tlaxcala, Tlax, Mexico. 1988 .- Exhibition "reality Aspirations Y" staff, the Pinacoteca do Estado de Tlaxcala, Mexico. "PEINTURE contemporains OF Mexique" personal exhibition at La Galerie Avry Art Centre, Fribourg, Switzerland. "RICHIAMO DI PACE" personal exposure, it in Piazza Bajo Grimani patronage of Comune di Perugia, Italy. Comienza a trabajar as a painter, Commander of the Pontifical Swiss Guard, Ciudad del Vaticano, Rome. ITALY. Performs pictures to the Gallery Archbishop of Sion, Switzerland. 1989 .- "PAESAGGI del Messico" personal exposure, it says Loppiano Art Center Ave, Florence, ITALY. 1990 .- "Le droit de vivre" personal exposure it Meyrinois Art Centre, Meyrin Village, Geneva, Switzerland. "I SHOW pittura Contemporary Tlaxcala (Messico) IN ITALY" group exhibition of artists from Tlaxcala, in Piazza Grimani, Perugia. ITALY. "Portrait" exhibition staff, la Fondation "La Residence" in Sion, Switzerland. Comienza su más great gallery of portraits in Europe, the Fondation "La Residence" in Sion, Switzerland. "RICHIAMO DI PACE" personal exposure, it Consulate General of Mexico in Milan, Italy. "Retrospective" exhibition personnel in the Palace H. Ayuntamiento de San Martín Texmelucan, Puebla. Mexico. 1991 .- "Derecho a la Vida" personal exhibition in the Gallery of the University Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, Mexico. "EXPO Eclipse TOTAL 91 "Science and Art exhibition in la Ciudad de Puebla, Mexico. "Y facet Directions" retrospective exhibition staff, Clínica ISSSTE Hospital of the City of Tlaxcala, Mexico. 1992 .- Foundation of the Workshop School of Visual Arts, through the Department of Continuing Education and Cultural Diffusion, Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, Mexico. "RETROSTECTIVE Martin Rojas' individual portraits, la Fondation" La Residence "in Sion, Switzerland. 1993 .- "THE Realities" personal exhibition at la Escuela Nacional de Arts (Academia de San Carlos) in Xochimilco, Mexico, DF Mexico. "Of Realities" personal exhibition at the Casa Tlaxcala, San Ildefonso, Mexico City, Mexico. 1994 .- "JOSE MARIA Serta" collective exhibition Homenaje, it Palais des Nations, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. Inauguration of the Chapel "Notre Dame de Guadalupe" pictorial donada for Fondation "La Residence" Sion, Switzerland. 1995 .- "RESIN SERGISI" Conversations with my inner, personal exposure, it Resit Rey Konser Semal Salonu, Istanbul, Turkey. "Third Dialogue VISUAL" personal exhibition in the Hall of the Palazzo Comunale of Capitini Marsciano, Arezzo, Italy. "Paper Wings" exhibition, in El Centro Interculturel Trathearn, Montreal, Canada. 1996 .- "Dialogues with MI INTERIOR" personal exhibition at the Art Gallery "Journals of the People" in Puebla, Mexico. "RIQUIAMO DI PACE" personal exhibition in the Gallery of Televisa Channel 3 and the Art Gallery "Journals of the People" Puebla, Mexico. "Cultural Festival of Mexico" exhibition, he Ambassador in Kongress Zentrum in Bern, Switzerland. 1997 .- 'IL DI risveglio Quetzalcoatl "personal exhibition in the Sala delle back of the Palazzo Comunale di Vecchio Spell, Perugia, Italy. "IN MEXICO BY Encounter" personal exhibition in the Sala Serendepia, the Cultural Centre "La Estrella" in Amaxac Guerrero, Tlaxcala, Mexico. 1998 .- 'IL DI risveglio Quetzalcoatl "personal exposure in the template library of the Central Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, Mexico. "Martin Rojas' personal exhibition in the Gallery of S. Menashe, (Zona Rosa) en la Ciudad de Mexico, DF, Mexico. 1999 .- "A Contemporary Artist of Tlaxcala in Chicago" personal exhibition at the Art Gallery of Mexico, the Mexican Institute of Culture and Education Chicago, through the Consulate General of Mexico. Chicago, Illinois. United States of America. 2000 .- "Renaissance OF ART FOR Tha Sake Of Mankind" Quinta Muestra International de Arte, in he World Trade Center in Osaka, Japan. In the "Second Journey WORLD PUBLIC ART Y muralist, mural creation of" WHY? "In Mar del Plata, Argentina. 2001 .- "Ayer y Hoy Texmelucan," Wall therein H. Ayuntamiento (Municipal Chair), St. Martin Texmelucan, Puebla. Mexico. 2002 .- "Tezcatlipoca" personal exposure, it Cultural Center Lam in Rapallo, Genova. ITALY. Home Project, International Centre Seminars Global Eco Art, CA to promote and progress he's Arte y la Cultura, San Francisco Tepeyanco, Tlaxcala. Mexico. 2005 .- "The Journey Home" Collective him Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum in Chicago, Illinois. STATES United States of America. "Art" Dual Personal him Tlaxcala Regional Museum Ex Convento de San Francisco, INAH Tlaxcala, Mexico. 2005 .- 80-30 December "Obra reciente" Exhibition Hall of the stock exchange in Istanbul, Turkey. 2006 .- 12 al 22 de Enero, First Meeting in Madrid, Group 21 Plus. HOUSE OF BRAZIL, Madrid, SPAIN, 2006 .- 27 de enero al 2 April, "The Holy ART MADRID Cugat" Canal Gallery, Barcelona, Spain. "The emblematicidad conográfico of the" Technological University of Tlaxcala, Huamantla, Tlax. Mexico. 2008 .- "Xolotl" Personal in the "House of the Vault," Benemérita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, "Tezcatlipoca" Personal therein Regional Museum of Tlaxcala, Mexico. 2009 .- Exhibitor Permanent ONU.México, from 2009. NOMBRAMIENTOS: 1973 .- Professor of Fine Arts, in la Escuela Secondary Gral. Vicente Guerrero de San Martín Texmlucan, Puebla. 1983 .- President of the Art Group "T" AC of the State of Tlaxcala. 1985 .- Professor of the discipline of the College of Arts Bachilleres the state of Tlaxcala. 1986 .- Delegate to the International Level SOMART, Mexican Society of Arts, for cultural exchanges between Mexico and Europe. 1991 .- Coordinator (Founder) of the Workshop School of Visual Arts at the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala. Chairman of the Delegation of SOMART, Mexican Society of Arts en el state of Tlaxcala. 1993 .- Representative of Mexico to the International Seminars Capra Michelangelo (AR) and the Centro Studi and Michelangioleschi d'Arte Contemporanea, along with the World Organisation Michelangelo Art Services, an exchange student from Mexico and Italy. 1995 .- Director Representative COMAV, Consejo World of Visual Artists for him Tlaxcala state and university exchanges. 1996 .- Director of the School of Visual Arts Workshop, Autonomous University of Tlaxcala. 1997 .- Coordinator of the First World Day of Public Art murals and "Mexico 1997" organized by him COMAV, Consejo World of Visual Artists in Tlaxcala, Tlax. Mexico. 1998 .- Director of International Relations and Scientific Cultural Foundation Acquaryus, CA Tlaxcala. Representative of SOMAAP in Tlaxcala, Mexican Society of Authors de las Arts, Cultural Advisor AC Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, Mexico. 1999 .- Director of the Pinacoteca do Estado de Tlaxcala, Mexico. Y Tlaxcaltecs representative of the Institute of Culture, to institutional exchanges with other countries. Adviser Cultural Technological University of the State of Tlaxcala. Mexico. From the 10th of November, General Director of COMAV, Consejo World of Visual Artists, 2000 .- AC Coordinator II World Day of Public Art and murals in Mar del Plata, Argentina. 2005 .- General Coordinator of La Jornada WORLD PUBLIC ART Y muralist, Tlaxcala 2005, with the participation of artists from thirteen countries. Y distinction AWARDS: 1962 .- First Place in Competition for Academic and he dibujo "Lamb of Zaragoza" in Puebla, Pue. Mexico. 1967 .- First, in the Second Exhibition of Paintings, at the Regional Fair St. Martin Texmelucan, Pue. Mexico. 1969 .- First, in the Fourth Exhibition of Painting, at the Regional Fair St. Martin Texmelucan, Pue. Mexico. 1975 .- First and Second of all, he contest the State Cartel, to accident prevention therein Industrial Labour, City of Puebla, Mexico. 1988 .- 1989 .- Pintor de la Pontifical Swiss Guard, Vatican City, Rome, Italy. Painter and Restorer Archbishop of Sion, Switzerland. 1992 .- International Prize "Caravelle D'Ouro" because it merged with the Italian culture with Mexico through su ink. Antigua-given las Cuatro Republics Italian Navy, Amalfi, Genoa, Pisa and Venice, during the "500 years of the Meeting of Two Worlds," Celebrazioni Colombiano, Genoa. ITALY. Noviembre 1998 .- 19, declared "Hijos Beloved" San Martín Texmelucan of Labastida, Puebla. Mexico. 2001 .- International Prize "Targa d'Oro" L'Altro esprezione of, granted him Theatre Augustus, he Mondiale Centre Operational Art and Culture and by him Comune della Città di Rapallo, Provincia di Genova, for contribution to the su Exchanges International Culture Mexico-Italy. Genoa, Italy. 2005 .- Title Sodal ACADEMICUM et in Class Tibi legitimized by the Academy Gentium "Pro Pace", Rome, Italy. The conference saying, en la Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala in it Tlaxcaltecs Institute of Culture in the Hospital Clínica ISSSTE of Tlaxcala, in he Convention Center "Domus Pacis" of Asissi, Italy, en el Teatro Colón de Mar del Plata , Argentina, en el Instituto Mexicano de Chicaho Culture and Education, Illinois, as well as in various national and international forums. NEXT SHOWS Y ACTIVITIES. Personal exposure en el Complejo Cultural University of BUAP. 2010 .- Implementation of the International Meeting in Tlaxcala Tepeyanco World Movement of Artists per la Peace

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